

ISfL like many of the other WARPs has forums, in our case we meet approx every six weeks or so. This helps to facilitate trusted, secure face to face information sharing between members, this is in addition to our digital information sharing.

We also have presentations and updates from leaders in the field of cybersecurity, information assurance and governance. Key to this process is the closed members-only section of the meeting where incidents are discussed along with advice and guidance.

Research Outputs

From these meetings, ISfL has commissioned a number of items of research and is happy to share these with broader public sector organisations. This includes our Protective Marking Methodology and the ISfL BYOD Toolkit, as well as our recent research in collaboration with others on DMARC and digital certificates and public sector website security.

Problem Solving

ISfL will also take on and promote member led questions, like “why is it so difficult to exchange email with the police” (which was resolved some years back by the police in effect joining the WARP and a presentation on this topic by the police as well as a reciprocal presentation at their conference about why it was so difficult to exchange emails and data with Local government). As well as representing membership concerns and observations to central government groups such as PSN and NCSC.


ISfL has run several conferences over its fifteen-year history, all aimed at the broader UK information security community. These have had a packed agenda with some leading-edge thinking and speakers, and have been well received and grow in popularity, we have been assisted in doing this by SBL Ltd to whom we extend our thanks.


ISfL also seeks to help broker training and has run and supported a number of events beyond the forums, such as supplier lead workshops, and practitioner-led skills sessions including things like pen-testing (vulnerability scanning), digital forensics, and software-defined networks.